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flipchart files downloaded from abcteach, it's time to download and install Promethean ActivInspire. While this software is free, you do have to register for a free .... flipchart extension is used for files created using the ActivInspire software. The Activeinspire software is very essential software for teachers because the main .... ... tools, navigation, and training support for Promethean ActivInspire software. ... This six-minute video provides an overview of an ActivInspire flipchart and basic​ ... baf94a4655 laukam
Promethean developed the FLIPCHART file format as a data file format for their ActivInspire software. This is a presentation and lesson plan creation tool that was .... ActivInspire Training Flipcharts: Hands-on training flipcharts for learning & using the ActivInspire software. attendance-templates.flipchart. Attendance pages to make ... Templates for using Containers in ActivInspire. All you have to do it plug in .... You will need the program ActivInspire (software for Promethean Interactive Boards)to use this. It is interactive. The student slid... Flipchart over ideas on how to ...